If you are running an e-commerce site or running a service website or blog, it’s very important to have different options for your customer to get customer support. For real-time support, it’s very useful to have a live support system. Imagine a platform that will allow your customer to make calls and also adding live chat with friends from any part of the world as local call charges.
- Read: 3 Ways to offer most annoying customer service
Recently, I came across a web app call ClickDesk, Which is a live chat and live calling support service which also supports offline chats. This also offers VoIP support and it seems to be work without your Gtalk. This is enough need not add any extra software on your PC. All you need to do is create an account, configure it and embed the code on your website.
it’s platform-independent, so no matter if you are running a blog, website, service site, e-Commerce site, You can configure ClickDesk with a couple of clicks. Moreover, you don’t need to install any 3rd party script on your site, all you need to do is add a tiny piece of code
To your computer then you are able to live chat support to your clients.
Important features of Clickdesk Live chat tool:
- Use Gtalk and Skype to answer client chat and calls
- Local access no. from 40 counties. Your client call from the browser at local call rate from these 40 countries
- Multiple user management (More after the break)
One thing which I particularly liked about this service is it allows you to add multiple support users, for example, you can dedicate a person for sales and another for tech support and so on. This is very useful if you have a team for a different purpose. This will help you to manage your service more effectively and instant support to your client.
How to configure ClickDesk Live Chat software?
This will have 3 easy steps process and any can have the basic computer knowledge can configure it less in less time. First, sign up for a free account. If you plan to do it professionally and for your serious business, I would suggest better subscribe for any higher plan with more features.
Add users/Agent:
First of all, you have to do install ClickDesk by adding users to the system. You can add operators for the different department but to get a higher number of the operator, you need to upgrade your plan from basic to premium. So in simple words, you can have a different live operator for sales, billing, and support, and so on. You can configure different departments in step 3.
Once you add users and preferred mode of chatting (You can configure Google Talk, Skype), you will get an invitation from Clickdesk on Skype or Gtalk to add as a friend. Accept the friend request and move to the next step.
Customize chat design:
There could not be anything better than personalizing the look and feel of anything to match your design. In the second step of ClickDesk configuration, you can customize the look and feel of the chat along with adding branding options like the logo. If you are offering a professional service, I would suggest you customize it precisely and make it look like part of your existing design.
Add embed code:
This is the last and simple most part and all you need to do is grab the codes to embed Clickdesk live chat on your website and within seconds your site is ready for live chat and VOIP.
Why do you need to offer live chat support on your site?
If you run a service site/Blog/Website, offering live chat support will help you grow your business instantly. Moreover, people like to click less to do things, and adding a one-click call button or live chat support will help your future client to reach you instantly.
If you are a small business company that is into offering services, I highly recommend installing the Click 2 desk on your site. The software which I use to maintain my client projects is an Activ collab, which you might find useful too.